Things you need to know
The information provided by Export Finance Australia is of a general nature and has been prepared without taking account of your business needs, financial situation or objectives. Before acting on this information you should consider whether the information is appropriate for you. You should consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice to check how this information relates to your unique circumstances.
Lending criteria, terms and conditions apply including but not limited to:
- interest rates may vary during the term of the loan, including by notice from us
- certain limits and restrictions apply which may affect your ability to pay distributions and dividends to your shareholders, obtain debt and dispose of your assets
- restrictions apply on your, guarantors’ and other related parties’ (such as your and other guarantors’ shareholders’) ability to pay any debts including any intercompany trading loans owed to each other
- corrupt activity in relation to any matter that relates to the facility or the export contract may result in cancellation of the facility
- your obligation to promptly apply the payments received under your export related contract to reduce money owing.
Terms and conditions will be negotiated during the application process with full terms and conditions included in the offer letter.
Export Line of Credit
Lending criteria, terms and conditions apply including but not limited to:
- interest rates may vary during the term of the loan, including by notice from us
- certain limits and restrictions apply which may affect your ability to pay distributions and dividends to your shareholders, obtain debt and dispose of your assets
- restrictions apply on your, guarantors’ and other related parties’ (such as your and other guarantors’ shareholders’) ability to pay any debts including any intercompany trading loans owed to each other
- corrupt activity in relation to any matter that relates to the facility or the export contract may result in cancellation of the facility
- breach of certain representations and warranties may result in cancellation of the facility, including that a reasonable examination of supply chain has been conducted by you and each guarantor and that there is no evidence of exploitation, including any child or forced labour
- your obligation to promptly apply the payments received under your export related contract to reduce money owing.
Terms and conditions will be negotiated during the application process with full terms and conditions included in the offer letter.