AUS Group Alliance
Aus Group Alliance, based in Melbourne, is a leading Australian specialist construction company that designs, supplies and installs a wide range of products including freeway noise walls and barriers, commercial structures and civil projects.

In order to fulfil a freeway noise wall panel contract, Aus Group Alliance required finance to fund the supply and design costs.
We provided a $150,000 Export Contract Loan, which supported payments to suppliers and design costs, and enabled AGA to fulfil its European export contract and grow its overseas operation.
Aus Group Alliance Pty Ltd (AGA), based in Melbourne, is a leading Australian specialist construction company that designs, supplies and installs a wide range of products including freeway noise walls and barriers, commercial structures and civil projects.
Most of the products are manufactured in Victoria, with AGA servicing a range of industries including construction, manufacturing, architectural building, food and retail.
AGA has worked on a number of major infrastructure projects in Australia, including Peninsula Link in VIC, Gateway in WA, the M5 in NSW, and the Southern Express Duplication in SA. The company continues to explore overseas growth opportunities.
Export Finance Australia’s backing will enable us to explore a new market and grow the company internationally. It was fantastic in getting us over the line.
Nick Marandos
MD, Aus Group Alliance Pty Ltd
European expansion
In the infrastructure space, AGA has identified Europe and Asia as key target markets for the sale of its products.
AGA has engaged a Dutch plastics company in a trial capacity to distribute one of its patented products, a freeway noise wall panel.
If successful, this trial could lead to a much larger contract or agent arrangement, allowing AGA to export its products at scale into Europe.
In order to fulfil the contract, AGA required finance to fund the supply and design costs.
While AGA’s bank was supportive of its expansion overseas, its bank was unable to provide financial support for the contract.
How we helped
We provided a $150,000 Export Contract Loan to support the funding requirements relating to the contract.
The finance will be used to fund payments to suppliers and design costs, so that AGA can fulfil its European export contract and grow its overseas operation.