Freedom of information, disclosure and transparency
Freedom of Information
While we aim to be as transparent as possible regarding our operations, we are also legally required to protect our customers’ confidential information. We also operate in commercial markets where it is commonly required to provide contractual confidentiality undertakings relating to customer and transaction information.
We are subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act) but have a partial exemption reflective of our Export Finance and Insurance Corporation Act 1991 (Cth) confidentiality protections for customer and transaction information.
Our legislative and contractual confidentiality obligations are crucial for our customers. They expect and depend on our compliance with these obligations. Without the reassurance we can keep information commercial-in-confidence, the quality of information provided to us may be prejudiced. In turn, this could impair our ability to prudently make informed decisions on the risks of the transactions we are considering supporting. It could also lead to adverse project outcomes, competitive disadvantage for Australian exporters and financial losses for us.
Making a Freedom of Information request
If you wish to make a Freedom of Information request, you can do so by:
Attention: Export Finance Australia Freedom of Information Officer
c/o General Counsel
Level 10, 22 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Exempt documents
We may refuse access to some documents or parts of documents if they are exempt.
Fees and charges
There is no application fee for making a Freedom on Information (FOI) request, but processing charges may apply.
If charges are likely to apply, we will provide you with a written estimate and basis of our calculation.
You may request a reduction or waiver of these charges, on grounds which may include (for example) financial hardship or public interest.
Further information on charges can be found on the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) website.
Our response to your FOI request
We will acknowledge receipt of your FOI request within 14 days. You will also be provided an estimate of any charges that apply to your request.
We will provide you with a decision letter on your FOI request, and this usually happens within 30 days of receipt of the FOI request. However, this timeframe may sometimes be extended in certain circumstances. For example, if we need to contact a third party about the FOI request.
In the event that you disagree with our decision on your FOI request, you may seek an internal review by written request. We will seek to provide a response within 30 days of receiving your request.
The OAIC can review some decisions, and can investigate complaints. The Commonwealth Ombudsman can also investigate some complaints.
Need more information on FOI?
Further information can be found on the OAIC website.
Information publication scheme
Export Finance Australia is required to comply with the Information Publication Scheme (IPS) requirements of the FOI Act. The information we are required to publish, other than exempt material, is set out below:
Agency Plan
Our IPS Agency Plan describes how we comply with the IPS requirements of the FOI Act.
Who we are and what we do
Details of our organisational structure, our objects, functions and purposes, priorities, governance, finances and more are available in our most recent Annual Report. The Index of Statutory Requirements at the back provides a roadmap for easily finding some of these items and more.
- Further information about our governance is set out here.
- The Export Finance and Insurance Corporation Act 1991 (Cth) is our enabling legislation.
- Further information about what we do is set out here.
- Our purpose is set out here.
- Our organisational structure is set out in our Annual Report here.
- Our Export Finance Australia Board members are set out here.
- Our Executive members are set out here.
- Our Board Charter is set out here.
- Our Board Audit and Risk Committee Charter is set out here.
- The current Statement of Expectations issued to us by the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, and our Statement of Intent reply are set out here .
- Our Transaction Register is here. We publish information about the transactions we support within eight weeks of signing in accordance with our Statement of Expectations.
Our reports and responses to Parliament
- Our Annual Reports are here.
- Our Corporate Plan is here.
- The Senate Order on Entity Contracts reporting is here.
- Details of our Board and statutory appointments are included here and in our most recent Annual Report.
Freedom of Information Disclosure Log
- Our Freedom of Information Disclosure Log is here.
Consultation Arrangements
- We are not a policy advisory body and as such do not have associated consultation arrangements.
- We do however invite public feedback on our potential involvement in transactions associated with any project with potential for significant adverse environmental and/or social impacts (Category A project), including access to the project’s environmental and social impact assessment. This page can be found here. Through this page, you can register your interest in receiving an email notification when new transactions are placed on the register.
Contact us
For assistance in accessing information held by us, you can contact us using the details set out under ‘Making a Freedom of Information Request’ above.